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[email protected]
Hours of Operation
Preschool & VPK: 9:00am-12:00pm
Grade School: 8:30am-2:30pm
Daily Childcare: 7:30am-5:30pm
(Childcare offered during Holidays)
The Student Handbook keeps you up to date on the schools polocies and procedures. Click the link below to see it in full.
A. General Health Policies
Because we are concerned about the well being of all our children. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME if he/she is ill. It is imperative that we take extra precautions to prevent diseases among the children and staff.
1. A child found to have a contagious disease will be sent home immediately and may return to school after being on antibiotics for at least 24 hours for the following:
● Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) ● Ear Infection ● Tonsillitis ● Skin Rash ● Strep Throat ● Pin Worm ● Ring Worm ● Fever of 100º or more ● Scarlet Fever ● Severe Upper Respiratory Infection ● Vomiting ● Green Mucus ● Flu (Various strains thereof)
2. Alternative arrangements are the responsibility of the parent. Children must be picked up from the school within the hour if the parents are called upon to do so.
3. A child with CHICKEN POX may return to school only after all the lesions are scabbed over and no new ones have formed (a minimum of 7 days)
4. Children must be fever free for a 24 hour period before returning to school – no exceptions.This is mandated by the Florida State Health State Department.
5. When a student becomes ill at the school, the following procedures will be followed:
● If the child is running a fever of 100º or more, the parents will be contacted and arrangements made to have the child removed from the school. At the time of registration and at each birthday of the child, a Non-Prescription Drug Form is completed, giving the school authorization to administer Children’s Liquid Tylenol®to a student with a fever of 100º or more.
● A child with diarrhea should remain at home until they have been free for 24 hours of loose bowel movements. If a child has developed diarrhea at school, the parents will be notified and arrangements for the child to be removed from the school will be made.
B. Dispensing Individual Medication
1. All medication can only be dispensed by a staff member with a written permission form, from a physician and the parents/guardians. This includes both prescription and non-prescription medicines.
2. A Medication Permission Form must be completed and signed by a parent weekly before any medication is given to the child.
3. Medication must be in the original prescription container, dated, and labeled with the child’s name.
C. Reporting Accidents at School
1. In case of a serious accidental injury or illness, the parent will be notified immediately.
a. If a parent cannot be reached, the child’s physician or 911 will be called. If necessary, the school will call an EMT or paramedic.
b. The Administrator or designated responsible personnel charge will make ALL the decisions about the care of child until the parent arrives.
2. Non-serious accidents will be handled at the school and an Accident Report Form will be completed and given to the parent on the day of occurrence. The form must be signed by the parent and a copy sent home with the original form placed into the child’s life.
D. Signing In and Out Procedure
1. In order to provide a safe learning environment, it is imperative that ALL children are signed in and signed out in the school roster book DAILY. Each child has his/her own page for the RESPONSIBLE ADULT to sign and write in the child’s arrival and departure time. This is the state law and required by all parents.
2. Only those individuals on the child’s Identification and Emergency Information Form will be allowed to pick up the child. All unfamiliar persons will have their ID checked and verified, corresponding with the child’s file.
3. Any school correspondence needing to be picked-up by the parent will be attached to the child’s sign-in sheet or placed in the child’s mailbox. So please check your child’s mailbox daily.
E. School Visits
Miami Baptist School welcomes parents to visit the school.
1. All visitors MUST report to the office first.
2. If you wish to visit the the classroom or eat lunch with you child, please notify the office one day in advance. (However, parents have the right to come in at anytime they desire.)
F. Toys from Home
1. There is a designated Show and Tell by your child’s teacher. This is the day your child may bring his/her favorite toy from home. Toys expressing violence or non-Christian values must not be brought to school.
2. Miami Baptist School requests that your child not bring toys from home at any time.
3. Toys brought on a non-designated will be confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of the day.
G. Discipline Procedures
1. Corporal punishment or humiliating or frightening techniques are never used. Punishment is never associated with food, rest, isolation for illness, or toilet training.
2. Classroom Discipline: If classroom rules are broken or if a child is disrespectful to a teacher or another child, the first course of action is to speak to the child about his/her behavior. If the child continues with same behavior, he/she will be moved to a new position or activity. The next step to be taken will be “time out.”If this discipline is not proving effective, the administrator will be notified and possible parent conference will be set up. All parents receive an outline of disciplinary procedures that include both positive and negative consequences for a behavior.
3. The following suggestions are ways in which parents can assist their children in becoming more comfortable with developing a positive attitude toward school:
● Allow plenty of time in the morning to have breakfast and get to school without rushing
● Make going to school a pleasurable experience
● Tell the teacher anything about your child that will help her understand him/her better
● Be interested in what your child brings home from school, never belittle it
● Ask your child about his/her day and listen to what he/she has to say
● Put your child’s name on everything that is brought to school
● Try to be involved in the classroom. Parents are always welcomed guests to all of our special events, or just to visit the class occasionally. Please keep in mind that the time your spends at school is a learning experience and children need to give it their full attention.
● Let your child see your confidence in the teacher
● Bring your child to class on time
● Never discuss the teacher, school, or church negatively in the presence of your child
● If your child is ill or has symptoms of an illness, keep your child home from school
● Please read all corresponding newsletters coming home from school, so as to be informed of upcoming activities involving your child
4. If for any reason the staff and parents cannot work out a successful behavior modification plan, the child may have to withdraw from the school.
H. Personal Needs of Children
1. Preschool children 2-5 years old need a “Nap-Sack” for nap time (Parents are responsible for taking the blanket home weekly and laundering it).
2. When accidents or spills occur, all children will need at least one complete change of uniform clothing in a large zip-lock bag or kept within the child’s backpack.
3. All items should be clearly marked with the child’s name on the inside label.
4. Children should come to school in official school uniform.
5. Children should wear closed-toed shoes or tennis shoes at all times.
6. Nap-sacks and uniform may be purchased in the school office.
7. We reserve the right to charge the parents for having to provide an extra uniform or nap-sack.
I. Parent-School Communication
1. Parents will be informed of the latest announcements relating to school through notices on the parents bulletin boards and through the monthly school newsletters. Please read all newsletters and check the bulletin boards frequently so that your child will not miss important events.
2. Conferences will be held twice a year. If a parent requests special conference, an appointment should should be made through the Administrator. Teachers are not allowed to conference with parents while they are on the playground or the in the classroom. Leaving the children unsupervised violates the school safety and can be disruptive to the class.
J. Parent Seminars
Quarterly seminars will be held for the purpose of educating parents regarding current information to assist them in the proper upbringing of their child. The parents are encouraged to attend these very important class.
K. Parent/Teacher Fellowship
Parents are encouraged to join the yearly PTF group, which is established to partner with the staff and administration of MBS to better provide for the needs of our students.
Our building is a concrete frame and stucco unit placed on a permanent cement foundation. Flooring is comprised of wood, tile, and carpet. The rooms are large and well-equipped. The capacity of the building for classroom use is 122 children at one time.
[email protected]
Hours of Operation
Preschool & VPK: 9:00am-12:00pm
Grade School: 8:30am-2:30pm
Daily Childcare: 7:30am-5:30pm
(Childcare offered during Holidays)