
Lifted Academy (formally Miami Baptist School) is a ministry of Lifted Church (formerly Miami Baptist Church). The school was established as a service to children and families in our community to provide quality, Biblical based education in a loving secure environment where they will:

Learn about Jesus Christ
Be educated with a Christian Worldview
Be taught responsibility through personal experiences
Come to understand God’s love, forgiveness, and personal acceptance
Develop strong character through the establishment of sound moral and ethical principal.

Our Approach

The curriculum has been designed to specifically meet the needs of the students enrolled incorporating objectives that are developmentally appropriate for all age groups. We focus on:


by having a daily time of devotion as well as integrating Biblical concepts throughout all learning experiences, giving each child an awareness of God’s love for him/her.


by encouraging and enthusiasm fort learning, exploring, and first-hand experiences of lasting value.

Socially / Emotionally

by encouraging participation in-group activities, getting along with others and developing a feeling of security and belonging.


by encouraging experiences which will develop large and small muscle coordination and motor skills.

We go Further

In addition to our daily curriculum we offer:

• Monthly field trips

• Parent education seminars

• Christmas & graduation programs

• Parent Dinners & Open Houses

• Extra curricular activities

Lifestyle and Staffing

All aspects of our school are based upon Biblical truths and morals, which are demonstrated through the lives of our staff. We provide:

• Very low teacher/student ratios

• Educationally qualified teachers & staff

• Extensive background checks

• On-going training required

• Responsible lifestyle of teachers and staff outside classroom

 Our staff is committed to providing the highest quality of Christian education and childcare.

• Educationally qualified teachers & staff


DCF License #C11MD1888

Member of ASCI (Associations of Christian Schools International)

Approved by the DOE (Department of Eduction) & ELC (Early Learning Coalition)