“Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. “ Ps139:23.24
1. Men can easily be provoked to anger. The Bible warns that the anger of men displeases God. Pray that when you strongly disapprove someone’s action you be able to settle the matter peacefully before it leads you into sin. (Ef 4:26)
2. God hates violence, but our world is filled with it. The characteristic of the Thieve is to steal, kill and destroy. (Jn 10:10) Be an agent of peace and pray in the name of Jesus for the Lord to destroy the works of the Evil one.
3. Opposing ideas and desires easily lead to conflict. Pray for wisdom to discern when you need to stand up for what is just and truthful and when you need to be willing to let go of your own perceived rights. (Phil 2:3)
4. Hate towards people, even if they have disappointed or harmed you is not from God. Pray to learn how to love your enemies and hate what is evil. (Mt 5:44)
5. Our God is a God of justice. It is the foundation of His throne. (Ps 89:14) If others have dealt with you unjustly don’t seek revenge, rather pray for faith in believing that He will bring to justice the wicked and defend your cause.
6. Disrespect is the trade-mark of the end times. (2Tim 3:1-5) The Word teaches us to love each other, which presumes mutual respect. Pray for restored relationships in Christian families were disrespect has undermined trust and commitment to each other.
7. Aggression is being lived out as a past time in the media and very real in many areas of the world were innocent people are murdered in cold blood. Pray for God’s mercy for the victims and for Him to bring to justice the aggressors.
8. The abuse of women and children is epidemic in our days. Pray for God to intervene; – for those who abuse to recognize their unacceptable behavior and for Christian men to speak up for and protect the victims of abuse. (Pr 31:8)
9. For children of divorce and many who have experienced broken relationships in their family it is hard to trust anybody, even God. Pray for people you know that need to be released from the shackles of distrust and be healed from their emotional traumas.
10. As religious fanatics impose their kind of religion by force, persecuting others and especially Christians, pray for God to give courage and decisiveness to government leaders to oppose these criminals and for those who are martyred for Christ sake to rejoice in their eternal hope and salvation. (Lc 12:4.5)
11. Our God, who lets the sun shine over the just and unjust and gave Jesus Christ for our salvation is full of grace and forgiveness. Pray for a heart of love towards those who resist the Gospel. Resist the temptation to judge others or to be intolerance towards them. (Lc 6:37)
12. War and rumors of war have been predicted by our Lord and are signs of the end times. (Mt 24:6) Never before have so many been affected by the devastating results of war as today. Pray for God to mobilize Christians to care, to bring practical help and the hope of Christ to the victims of war.
13. It was the rebellion of Adam and Eve against the command of God that brought sin and suffering into the world. Since then the same attitude resides in every human heart. (Rm 5:12) Lets humbly pray for the Lord to forgive us and submit to His precepts with hearts of obedience and believe.
14. The porn and drug industry has already enslaved uncountable millions worldwide. Crime is on the rise. Pray for leaders in government to have the wisdom and resolve to intervene and for men of God to get involved in programs of prevention and the recuperation of the addicted.
15. The betrayal of spouses and the affairs of personalities are glamorized by the media. But lack of self-control and pre marital sex robs our youth of the basis for a fulfilling marriage of mutual trust and true love. Pray for a moral revival in our society and for Christian men to be models of faithfulness and moral character. (1Co 6:18)
16. When the moral law of God is rejected people become vulnerable to all kinds of perversion and immorality. Pray for Christians who are called to interact in the public arena with these cultural trends to have God given wisdom and courage to speak His truth in love. (Mt 5:13-16)
17. Millions of people today experience hunger and even starvation. As we pray for our daily bread lets not forget those who are in need. Let us be mindful of our responsibility to care and assist in meaningful ways and to proclaim the Good News to the poor. (Pr 31:9)
18. If we belong to Christ our bodies have become the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1Co 6:19) Lets pray for Christian men to be mindful of this avoiding anything that can harm the body, weather through inappropriate drink or food, lack of rest or regular exercise, or any form of abuse.
19. Poverty is not only a physical matter. Ignorance, lack of education and especially the lack of the knowledge of God and His plan for mankind are vital reasons for poverty. Lets pray for the spread of the Gospel so that men can learn God’s ways and participate in the irradiation of every aspect of poverty in the world.
20. With the weakening of the moral fiber of our culture the democratic experience is doomed to fail and totalitarian governments and corruption to increase. Lets pray for God to raise up men of character who model for the next generation true moral values and righteousness. (Pr 14:34)
21. Christo Jesus called the devil the father of lies. (Jn 8:44b) Honesty is the antidote of lies and deception and should be the hallmark of a true Christian. Pray for God to raise up men who submit to His truth and who train themselves to speak it in love and without fear.
22. “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” (2Tim 1:7) Pray for the Lord to break the spell of fear that paralyzes so many Christian men from becoming true disciples and witnesses for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
23. Who lives in the comfort of a developed country is programed to expects everything to function fast and in an orderly manner. But life is not as predictable. Pray for men to have wisdom and patience when they raise their children and deal with life issues that are out of their control. (James 3:17)
24. The Bible tells us that God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6) As men we are tempted to become arrogant and convinced of our own wisdom. Pray for a humble heart and never forget that we are just clay in the Potters hand.
25. The abuse of power is the greatest danger for those in high places and also for the Christian leader. Pray that your heart is soft and willing to learn from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who though He was God was willing to humble Himself and became the servant leader who washed the feet of His disciples. (Phil 2:5)
26. Please invite others to pray with us for the development of the Champions Arise project. We thank the Lord for the official launching of CA in TWR on April 17th and the English program series “Adult Children of Divorce,” and the good development of the series “Every Man a Warrior,” and “The Four Priorities.”
27. Please pray for the CA project developments in South Africa – India – Indonesia – Brazil. Prayer groups are being formed, programs produced and partnerships established with churches and existing men’s ministries.
28. The CA Tool-Box of CA allows for easy translation and contextualization of the 52 scripts into any new language group. RTM-Brazil plans to officially launch the CA project the end of September and TWR’s Spanish is preparing to start the process of translation and production. Pray for the Lord’s blessing to be on the respective teams.
29. From its early beginning CA has seen our Lord’s financial provision through individual and TWR-Netherlands and TWR-Canada. With the official launching of the project as a ministry of TWR, CA is able to serve many more national partners. Pray with us for the Lord’s continuous provision for production, broad and narrowcasting costs.
30. CA started as a volunteer movement and is in the process to integrate and establish itself in the TWR network. Edmund, Paul and Andy have been leading so far. Please pray with us for a full time “Champion” who can lead the project into the future.
31. For years women have pleaded for TWR to help their men to be all that God wants them to be. A brother in Mozambique uttered the same request when he confessed: “We men need so much help!” Please pray and stand with us so that CA can be God’s answer to this plead.