“Therefore I want the men in every place to pray…” 1Tim 2:8
1. Lets pray for Christian men to develop friendships with one another and to hold each other accountable in their walk with the Lord and in the way they treat their family members.
2. Pray for Christian men to be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong and to do all things in the love of God in these days of much spiritual apathy. (1Cor 16:13.14)
3. Intercede for men to have the courage and strength from the Lord to discard sinful practices, even those that are encouraged by their culture.
4. Pray for God to illuminate men to the fact that in the name of Jesus they can renounce the dictates of their fallen nature and instead of ruling by force and fear become leaders of valor and character.
5. Pray for men to recognize their sublime calling as servant leaders who submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, living and promoting His truth, freedom and eternal hope.
6. In our time of rampant exploitation and abuse of Women and children lets pray for men who stand up, speak out and model the kind of leadership that provides protection and refuge for the victims of this evil.
7. Pray for Christian husbands to sacrificially love their wives as Christ loves the Church choosing her above all others. (Eph 5:31)
8. Pray for Christian men to strive for purity in their thoughts and words and to withstand the onslaught of pornography that will destroy their spiritual authority before God and men. (Mt 5:28)
9. Remember to pray for men in authority to have discernment and courage to conduct the affairs of society with justice and in the fear of God.
10. Pray for those struggling with secret sins to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. (2Cor 10:5) Pray for the courage to acknowledge and seek forgiveness of sin.
11. Pray for those who are called to defend the freedom and safety of innocent people who are victimized by brutal aggression. Pray for their safety and for a conduct that demonstrates moral character and respect for the dignity of all.
12. Pray for pastors, church leaders, and Christian men to courageously protect and support women who are verbally or physically abused by other men.
13. Pray for Christian teachers and educators to have the courage and God given authority to confront and influence the trend of political correctness that promotes promiscuity and mocks at family values.
14. Pray for Christian men who are doctors and scientists to have the wisdom and courage to interact with those who have sold out to the theory of evolution without examining the evidences of creationism.
15. Pray for Christian fathers to embrace their God given role as loving guides of their children and to not exasperate them, instead bringing them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (Eph 6:4)
16. Pray for Christian men to position themselves as active members of society and to speak up when others are exploiting the poor and abusing women and children. (Pr 31:8.9)
17. Pray for men who run for public office to seek God’s will and wisdom first, like King David and the prophet Daniel did and not rely on their own understanding. (Pr 3:5.6)
18. Pray for Christian men to be diligent in presenting themselves approved by God, as workmen who do not have to be ashamed and who accurately handle the Word of Truth. (2 Ti 2:15)
19. Pray for a spiritual revival among Christian men so that they may lead their families in the wisdom and joy of the Lord, get actively involved in their church and consciously promote the good of society.
20. For God to convict fathers, grandfathers, uncles and brothers to realize the horrible evil of sexually abusing the little girls in their family. Pray for the women who have lived with the secret of their abuse to find peace and healing in the love of Christ.
21. Pray for the men in this country and around the world that God is preparing to be champions in His Kingdom and that their hearts will be softened and equipped for the Gospel.
22. The spirit of distrust, hate and war is throwing our world into a spiral of ever increasing pain and suffering. Pray for God to raise up men in government who understand the times, seek His guidance, and with wisdom and resolve stand up for what is right and true.
23. Pray for the millions of refugees and displaced people who suffer lack of food, clothing and shelter. Pray for God to mobilize men with means and men with compassion to serve the least of these with the love and in the name of Christ.
24. Pray for the completion of the English recording/production of the 20 program series “Every Man a Warrior” (EMAW) that Kent, Foster and Andy are working on. Praise the Lord that the 10 part series “Adult Children of Divorce” (ACD) is already available on the CA website www.championsarise.org
25. The CA Tool Box is being translated/contextualized and produced in Indonesia for narrow and broadcasting. Pray for joy and skills in the process and for the different focus groups that meet for evaluation and prayer.
26. The need for a specific ministry for men is well researched in South Africa. The Zulu production of CA is in progression. Please pray for Danie Du Preez as he leads the development also in Afrikaans and African English. Pray for the local men groups that are developing.
27. Tamil is the first language in which CA is being developed in India. It is also the first specific program for men. Please pray for the Tamil translator who has been sick. Also pray for the Lord to provide the opportunity to train the producers of five other language groups at the end of 2015.
28. Pray for the planned strategy meeting between EMAW and TWR in April. The desire is to coordinate and combine efforts so that the CA programs and EMAW study books can be made available to men groups in different languages.
29. During an armed assault in S.Paulo our Portuguese CA translator lost among other personal items his notebook with all the files. Please pray for Douglas and his wife Susan, who are both fully involved in the Lord’s work. Also please pray for the ongoing development of CA in Brazil concerning the translations/production as well as the formation of men study and prayer groups.
30. Please pray for the CA leadership team Edmund, Paul and Andy, for opportunities to further develop CA with national partners through the website, TWR360 and for the Lord’s provision for the financial needs of the ministry.
31. For Christian men to head the warning of the Lord Jesus Christ to watch and pray in order to not enter into temptation. Let us not trust in our own willing spirit rather rely on the power of the Spirit of God to overcome the weakness of the flesh. (Mt 26:41)