Prayer Points for March 2014

March 2014 – Egypt, Mexico, Cambodia

• Please pray that Christian men would live lives of integrity, honesty and faithfulness to God and their family
• Please pray for Christian men to have ingenuity in starting small businesses which provide income for other Christians, some of whom have suffered from lost employment because of becoming believers in Jesus Christ
• Please pray that Christ would strengthen His church in Egypt to boldly share Him with countrymen who do not know the truth about Jesus Christ
• Please pray that God-fearing husbands would love their wives, guiding them and nurturing them while encouraging them to minister to women trapped in bondage to false beliefs
• Please pray that Christian fathers would prepare their sons to be God-honoring men/husbands/fathers/church leaders
• Please pray for a fresh, revitalized walk with God for the Christian men of Egypt who live in such a way as to back up their belief in a loving and just God

• In light of the recent arrest of a drug lord, may Christian men live honest, moral lives, free from the love of money and illicit gain
• Please pray that Christian men will be village leaders who govern by Christian principles
• Please pray that men who have learned of their need of a personal relationship with Christ share with other men of the need to have such a saving relationship with Christ, not trusting in works or giving, but in Christ’s finished work on Calvary
• Please pray for Christian fathers to provide for their families financially, emotionally and spiritually enabling their families to be living respectable lives
• Please pray that more Christian men would take advantage of Bible teaching/training opportunities afforded on the radio and the internet so that they will lead churches as they ought
• Please pray that Christian fathers would not confuse their loyalties, but place loyalty to God at the highest level

• Please pray for Christian men to live lives of engaging fellow countrymen in winsome ways, leading more men to a true understanding of Jesus Christ
• Please pray for Christian husbands to be a good example of how to love their wives
• Please pray for Christian men to stand up for the rights and protection of women and girls, protecting them from sex slavery and other injustices
• Please pray that Christian men will lead the local church where there is one and plant one if there isn’t one already; pray for their own spiritual growth and maturity to lead churches.
• Please pray for God fearing men to learn what God has said in His Word, translating their knowledge into a walk which draws people to a true understanding of Jesus Christ
• Please pray for Christian fathers to spend time with their families, nurturing them in the Word of God

• Please pray for prayer movements to begin among the Zulu men for such a ministry as Champions Arise
• Please pray for finances for program production in the Zulu language
• Please pray for finances for the airtime of the Zulu productions
• Please pray for the leaders of the Dutch prayer groups to motivate and mobilize more prayer groups in the Netherlands
• Please pray for Edmund Spieker as he ministers in Brazil and the US
• Please pray for the translators of the scripts into Zulu
• Please pray for the voicing in English of the scripts
• Pray also for additional material to be made into more scripts for the toolbox
• Pray that more African believers would make use of the toolbox and help the men of their country to walk purely before our Lord
• Pray for the Spiritual protection of those involved in Champions Arise
• Pray for the families of those involved in Champions Arise, to be protected from attacks by the enemy of God
• Please pray for more North Carolina Churches to learn of Champions Arise, and get behind it prayerfully and financially
• Pray for English programs to soon be produced and included in TWR360