“The godly person has perished from the land, and there is no upright person among men.” (Micah 7:2)
Pray for men to choose the fear of God
1. For the power of God to manifest itself in a spiritual revival bringing deep conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment among men.
2. For the Gospel of God’s truth and redeeming grace through faith in Christ to be proclaimed with urgency and passion.
3. For the Holy Spirit to make us fear God with holy awe and to reveal those habits and practices in our lives that hinder our surrender to His sovereignty.
4. For a fresh and deep understanding of our responsible for the choices we make and the readiness to put a stop to the excuses and attempts to cover up our sin and mistakes.
5. For men to discern between secular and biblical values and to respectfully but firmly reject the morality of relativism.
6. For husbands and fathers to assume their God-given responsibility to lead their homes under the authority and with the love of Christ.
7. For men to hunger and thirst for righteousness; to commit to resist the expediency of the fear of men; and to resolve to seek God’s Kingdom first.
Pray for Christian men to influence our society for good
8. For God to enable Christians in the public arena, to model a life of godly character in humility, integrity and simplicity, and to speak out without fear for what it right and just.
9. For a new passion to love God and our neighbor to the point that we abandon our comfort zones, become obedient to the great commission, and care for the salvation of the lost in tangible ways.
10. For men of valor who seek God’s Kingdom first and use their role of leadership to build Christ honoring relationships in family, church, the work place, and society.
11. For men of courage who personally resist the hedonistic trend of society, who sacrificially care for the plight of the poor and oppressed, and who speak out for their rights and protection.
12. For Christians in government to seek God like Daniel in the Bible did, who feared God more than anything, was humble and contrite in spirit and trembled at His word.
13. For Christian men to be open for differences of opinion and worldviews, nevertheless to be clear in their personal witness for Christ and the Gospel so that people are exposed to the truth and can make their own decision.
14. For men who apply their hearts to seek the Lord by interceding for a society full of unbelief and lawlessness and to protect through word and deed those who are vulnerable to the lures of the evil one.
Pray for pastors, missionaries and Christian leaders
15. For wisdom and boldness for preachers to proclaim and apply biblical truth in the context of the culture of their audiences, thereby equipping the believers to be joyful witnesses for Christ at home and abroad.
16. For Christian leaders to recognize the urgent need for the building up of the church in the faith and knowledge of Christ, so that believers mature in character and are able to share the truth of Scripture in clarity and love.
17. For God to rise up Christian leaders with vision and passion to mobilize and help men to become godly leaders in home, church and society.
18. For pastors and Christian leaders to motivate the men in church to invest time and resources in projects that make an impact for Christ in their society.
19. For pastors missionaries and Christian leaders to understand our times, as the sons of Issachar did (1Cron 12:32), thereby equipping the believers to have an relevant witness in our fast-changing society.
20. Pray for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for all who publically share the truth of Scripture. That they might with boldness and love teach, reproof, correct and train their hearers in righteousness.
21. Pray for missionaries, tentmakers and Christians who suffer discrimination and persecution to reflect Christ in their life style and to be lead by the Holy Spirit whenever its time to speak up for the Gospel.
Pray for the development of the CA ministry
22. Pray for Andy in TWR-Cary as he puts the finishing touches on the new program series “Adult Children of Divorce” which is accessible on the CA website. Pray for these programs to become a source of encouragement for divorce victims.
23. Pray for Kent, Foster and Steve who have accepted the challenge to produce the English audio of the series Every Man a Warrior and The Four Priorities. Both of these series offer important insight and direction for men who want to become all God wants them to be.
24. Pray for Douglas, Andre and Samuel in TWR Brazil who work on CA in Portuguese. The first demo programs are already produced and the audio research is on its way.
25. In Curitiba, South Brazil several churches develop active men’s programs. “Holy Hour” brings weekly about 300 men together for fellowship and a biblical challenge. Please pray for leaders and pastors Antonio, Wolly, Ditmar, Fernando and Robson.
26. TWR-CA has been asked to provide study material for men’s groups. Please pray for the financial resources as EMAW and TWR partner together and publish the series of books in different languages.
27. Pray for the development of CA in India (Tamil), Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia) Africa (Zulu, Afrikaans and African English) The leaders of the CA projects work together with local pastors and encourage the formation of prayer groups.
28. Pray for the Lord to send a holy resolve among Christian men to seek His face, study the Word, develop friendships with one another, and be available to do the good works God already prepared for them to walk in.