- The right focus– When King Solomon’s son Rehoboam became king of Judah, he did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord. (2 Chron. 12:14) Pray that God will help you to keep the right focus. By keeping your eyes on Jesus Christ, you allow Him to transform you from within.
- The Lord’s messenger– Jesus wants you to be His messenger to those who have not yet heard the Good News. Pray that He will give you opportunities to share the Gospel with others and pray for wisdom and courage as an ambassador of the King of kings. (Job 12:13)
- The Lord’s voice– More voices than ever are calling for our attention these days. Pray that God will strengthen your faith in Him amid a noisy and tumultuous world and grant you the ability to hear and obey His voice. (Isa. 6:8)
- Fellowship– Do you belong to a Christian church? If the answer is “yes,” thank God for allowing you to enjoy fellowship with other followers of Christ. Pray for peace and unity among the believers. (Eph. 4:3)
- Strength in unity– If you do not yet belong to a Christian community, pray that God will show you how you can connect with fellow believers. In a world that is increasingly hostile to the Gospel, we need each other to prevail as Christians and to keep our lights burning. (Acts 15:30-32)
- The heavenly kingdom – Dear God, I finally see that what is really important are the eternal things of Your kingdom and not the things of this world. Thank You for imparting eternal life to me through Jesus Christ my Lord. You provide righteousness, peace and joy. Make my service acceptable to both God and man. (Rom. 14:17-18)
- Healing for hurting humanity – Oh Lord, I have been asking “why” when I should have been asking “who.” Who shall deliver me? Thank You, Father God, for sending Jesus Christ to deliver me, renew me and restore me. I praise You, Lord Jesus, for making me whole. Now I can really live, not just exist! (Luke 4:18,19,21)
- God will make a way – Lord Jesus, I tried my way and it didn’t work. Thank You for becoming the way for me. You are my way to know God and You are my way to live godly. When I am at an impasse, You make a way. And Your way is always the best. Thank You for leading, guiding and providing for me! (Isa. 43:16,19)
- A living hope – Oh God, there are times when things become so difficult, and I feel very hopeless. But, I realize that nothing is too hard for You. And since You raised Jesus from the dead, He is the source of my hope. Thank You for giving me a living hope in Christ. My hope is in You Lord! (1 Pet. 1:3)
- An enduring inheritance – Dear Lord, I seem to be losing everything and everyone. Nothing is stable or permanent except for You. And praise God, You are in me. The inheritance I have in You is enduring. I am an heir of God and can already partake of my inheritance as a joint heir with Christ! (1 Pet. 1:4)
- Communion – The Covid-19 pandemic has brought changes in the way we participate in worship services and church events. Let us not settle down, give up, or even neglect to get involved in the Lord’s work. Rather, pray for a new impetus and enthusiasm as the face-to-face services are returning. (Psa. 122:1)
- Priority – The man who seeks the Lord daily and expects His guidance from Him will have more security and peace in his daily life. (Psa. 143:8) Awaken me, Lord, to seek Your face even before the turbulence of the day affects me. Thank you for your peace!
- Confrontation – The Apostle Paul reminds us that as Christians “God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, love and moderation” (2 Tim. 1:7). Let us pray and be prepared to help our children to confront ideologies in schools, with friends and in other circles, so that they can be strong and stay on the biblical path.
- Marriage – Lord, my prayer is that in my marriage relationship there will be “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” as a result of the Holy Spirit’s action in my life. (Gal. 5:22-23) And help us as a couple to be supportive to other couples in difficult times in their relationship.
- Sustenance – There are men, children of God, in need of employment in order to be able to support their family. We pray to You, oh Lord, asking You to open doors as proof of Your care and protection for Your beloved children (Psa. 37:23-25) so that these men will be strengthened in their faith and honor and magnify Your name!
- Sons and Daughters – The Lord gave to the man the task of leading his family and teaching his children the Holy Scripture. (Deut. 6:6,7) We pray that we will have the wisdom to prioritize this time with our children, at whatever age they are, leading them to love the Lord and to follow biblical truths with all their hearts.
- Decision – The Psalmist states, “Away from me, evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of my God” (Psa. 119:115). We pray, Lord, for strength and determination to reject the temptations and traps of pornography in the same way. Help us to lead a life of purity and holiness so that our family is protected!
- Integrity – Men are entrusted with the role of leading their families. This is a privilege that demands a deep level of personal integrity. Pray that we men will learn to yield to the abiding life of Christ (John 15), allowing His life to flow through us so that we may lead our families by example in private as well as public for His glory.
- Little sins –Temptations come in all shapes and sizes, from “big sins” to “little sins.” Pray for men to be as sensitive to “little lies” and “cheating on taxes” as much as pornography and corporate theft. Jesus said, “He that is faithful in little is faithful in much, he that is unjust in little is unjust in much” (Luke 16:10).
- Character – True character is who we are in the dark. Pray for men to be consistent in private as well as in public so that our lives will not be compartmentalized but rather that we will live for the eyes of the Lord. God said to Abraham, “Walk before Me and be perfect [mature, complete]” (Gen. 17:1).
- Trust – Many men worry about how to provide for their families. Fear grips many as they see unemployment rates rise and inflation increase, and as they approach their “golden years.” Pray that we men will cultivate a strong faith in the Lord as our Provider, maintaining a good work ethic and trusting the Lord. (Matt. 6:25-34)
- A good name – Integrity and character are built over time but can be destroyed overnight. Pray to be a man who values and protects the investments God has made into your life. Maintain a “good name” which is to be valued more than great riches. (Prov. 22:1)
- Investment – “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Eccl. 9:10). Life is a unique gift from God and our opportunity to invest for time and eternity. We are saved by grace alone, but our reward will be according to what we have done while on this earth. Be a man of valor! Be determined to invest in what is right.
- Bring hope – “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly” (1 Cor. 9:26). If Jesus is your Savior and Lord, you are a child of God and invited to become a disciple of Christ. Therefore, make the Lord your focus, allowing Him to lead you in everything. He wants to bring hope to your family and friends through you.
- We have found the Messiah– Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, met Jesus while John the Baptist was baptizing in the river Jordan. The next thing he did was to tell his brother about Jesus. Pray that you will have courage to use any given opportunity to invite other people into the Lord’s presence. (Psa. 96:2)
- Go and tell– Pray that God will guide you to a person today that is waiting to hear the Good News of salvation in Christ proclaimed. (John 1:40)
- Come and see– Nathanael doubted that anything good could come from the little village Nazareth, but Philip did not give up so easily. “Come and see,” he said to Nathanael. When Nathanael met Jesus, he proclaimed, “You are the Son of God!” Thank God that He sent His Son to save you. (John 1:49)
- Tell the truth– The Bible warns that the time will come when teachers will say what people’s itching ears will hear. (2 Tim. 4:3) Pray that you will have the courage to proclaim the Word of God no matter what it will cost. In this case, no price is too high.
- A joyful heart– It is painful to see how moral values are vanishing these days. However, the bad developments that take place in our society should not be our main concern as Christians. Instead, we should be preoccupied sharing the love of Christ with a joyful heart no matter what our circumstances. (1 John 5:19,20)
- Boldness – “In the day when I cried out, you answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul” (Psa. 138:3). Don’t be disheartened when the outside pressure seems too much and no solution is in view. The Lord is just one prayer away, ready to give you His perspective on what is happening and inner peace and hope to endure.