“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
1. Lets bring our petitions before the Lord with humility and in great expectancy. Ask Him to raise up men who are steadfast in faith and who reflect Christ’s goodness in their families, Church and society.
2. Pray for Christian men to have the right understanding of their identity in Christ. Pray that they will share their faith in the power of the Holy Spirit, thus bringing the perspective of eternal Hope to our society in turmoil and despair.
3. As the world tramples on moral absolutes and degrades the concept of love to selfish sensuality, lets pray for men who exercise self-control, speak up for what is right and promote in word and deed the love of God.
4. Pray for moral and honest leaders to stand up against the flood of corruption in government and busyness. Pray for God to have mercy on our society that has lost it’s moral compass and timeless values. (Ps 11:3)
5. Pray for Christians in the Media to be immovable and firm in promoting the Good News of Christ. Pray for access to modern technology and communication tools that will allow for the light of the Gospel to shine into every corner of the globe.
6. A true disciple is someone who is faithful, available and teachable (fat.) Lets pray for the Lord to mobilize men who are ready to deny self, to follow the leading of His Holy Spirit and to be available to serve wherever He want to use them.
7. As the Lord had compassion on the multitude that was harassed and helpless, so lets pray for a movement of the Spirit to break the heart of Christian men with the things that break His heart and to share the Gospel through word and deed.
8. Through Christ’s redeeming work on the cross He broke the power of evil and brought freedom, peace and eternal life for all who believe. Let’s rejoice and pray for more Christian men who courageously serve Him out of hearts filled with gratitude and joy.
9. God forgives us because Christ paid the penalty of our sin. Pray that Christian men who live in the freedom of His pardon and are peacemakers in their homes and environment.
10. As so many demands and interests are vying for our attention it’ s easy to loose sight of what really matters. Pray for Christian men to seek first the Kingdom of God and who resist to be sidetracked with mundane issues.
11. As Christ was obedient in all things and so honored His Father, lets pray for God to break our independent spirit, granting us an attitude of submission to His will and to bring glory to God.
12. Order and beauty are God’s touch in creation. Confusion, disorder and death are the trademark of the enemy. Pray for men who are in turmoil in their soul to experience divine restoration before they bring harm to themselves and others.
13. Patience is fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pray for Christian men to resist the urge of forcing their way when opposed, rather chose to submit to the Spirit’s leading, even under pressure, knowing that the Lord rewards all who trust in His unfailing love.
14. A real gentleman is more than a man from a higher social order. He is one of a noble disposition. As Christian men we are called to express the gentleness of Christ. Pray that this fruit of the Holy Spirit becomes visible also in your life.
15. Disrespect is the characteristic of our time where relativism and the lack of absolutes undermine all permanent values. Pray for men who, in submission to God treat their wives, families and superiors with respect and honor.
16. On April 17th will be the official launching of the Champions Arise project. Pray for this new outreach to Christian men through prayer, programming and small groups ministry to be a challenge and encouragement for men throughout TWR’s global ministry network.
17. Freedom is not just to do what one wants but to do what is right. Lets pray for Christian men to experience God’s freedom as they surrender in obedience to His Word, the prompting of His Spirit and become available for Kingdom work.
18. Let pray for Christian men who accept their responsibility before God in their choices as husband, fathers and providers. That they may model before the next generation the love of Christ, integrity and accountability.
19. Self-control is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pray for Christian men to walk under the guidance of the Spirit in order not to do what the selfish human disposition wants, rather to be lead by His prompting. (Gal 5:16.17)
20. The attack against moral values, the rule of law and the dignity of men are growing in terrifying proportions. Lets pray passionately for God given wisdom for those in authority so that they don’t cave in to expediency and corruption.
21. The joy of the Lord is the strength of the believer. Lets pray for Christian men who suffer persecution and distress not to succumb to hopelessness and fear, rather to find solace in the eternal promises of Christ.
22. Before He returned to the Father, our Lord promised His peace to His disciples. Lets pray for the peace of God to rule in the hearts of Christian men who carry the responsibility to lead their family in the way of God even in a time of growing resistance to the Gospel.
23. Kindness is fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. Pray for Christian men to model this quality as they love and minister to those who are resistant to the Gospel, but are under their care.
24. Human efforts are not enough to live up to the divine standard of goodness. Pray for a revival among Christian men so that they will allow for Jesus Christ to express His goodness in and through them in all they are and do.
25. “God is faithful” is a very common bumper sticker in Brazil. Pray for Christian men to express in their relationship to their family the constancy, loyalty, care and affection of God.
26. Praise the Lord for the first Zulu programs on the air in South Africa. Production of the Afrikaans programs is in progress and should also be on the air soon. Pray for the testing that is taking place and for the Afrikaans men retreat May 1-3.
27. The CA translation production in Brazil had a serious set back when Douglas’ computer with all the files was stolen in February. Lets pray for him, the production team in Sao Paulo and for the group of men in the city of Curitiba that uses the EMAW material for their regular meetings.
28. Pray for the development of the Tamil CA-project. Pray for the translator and producer to know how to best contextualize the life lessons for his culture. Also pray for the planned training of capable men to translate and produce the CA material into other Indian languages later this year.
29. Pray for brother Yohanes who leads the CA project in Bahasa Indonesia. Pray for wisdom and skills in the process of contextualization and as he motivates the gathering of men in study groups. Pray also for the needed resources to broadcast the CA programs on local FM stations.
30. Champions Arise, a discipleship project for men, began as a volunteer movement, supported by free will offering. We thank God for His leading, the partners who join, and for those who contribute to this urgently needed ministry. Now, as the blueprint is ready, lets pray for the Lord to multiply it through the TWR network worldwide.